To empower individuals through personal effectiveness training for establishment of peace, HIV/AIDS PREVENTION, self-love, self-respect and harmony in our society. Examples conducting self esteem and anger management workshop for youths, and women through out Africa.

As an Organization that is providing EMPOWERMENT TRAININGS and caring for the LESS PRIVILEGED, we realize that our MISSION is to worship God, take care of the poor and needy and to evangelize the word of God based on finding peace of mind to prevent STRESS which results to diseases in our body, Proverb 14:30.

COUNSELING individuals with TEMPERAMENT ISSUES, and with LOW SELF ESTEEM, building up their self confidence ensuring and reminding them that they’re BEAUTIFULLY and WONDERFULLY made by God the creator especially the YOUTHS and the WIDOWS. We are also available to provide assistance to the ORPHANS and the FATHERLESS As a new ORGANIZATION we need to corporately seek the face of the Lord first in all that we do.